Causes, symptoms and signs of psoriasis. Characteristics of skin diseases in children. Diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis. Diet for psoriasis.
1 November 2023
Psoriasis in children is an unpleasant disease with a complex course of the disease. However, psoriasis is curable if you consult a specialist in time and start it on time and competently.
29 December 2021
Basics of proper nutrition for psoriasis. What to avoid and what foods are good for the disease.
29 December 2021
Diet for psoriasis: forbidden food for psoriasis, the need to respect the diet, why you need a diet for psoriasis, healthy food. Basic dietary guidelines.
4 July 2021
Typical signs of various forms of psoriasis, cumulative symptoms of the disease. Stages of development and diagnosis.
24 December 2020